Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Idiot, idiot, what did you die for?

Idiot says nothing at all...
Pentru ca la unele lucruri te intorci atunci cand pe strada merg in patru labe turme de oameni adormiti, stransi in visele lor ca-n panusi de porumb, pentru ca anumite voci sunt destinate momentului cand noaptea se ingana cu lumina felinarelor intr-un soi de dans taios pe sticla sparta.
Pentru ca noaptea te acopera incet-incet, dar nu te sufoca asa cum o face o zi mohorata, pentru ca atunci iti auzi bubuituri din cap si intuneric vezi cum iti ies scantei din ureche. Pentru ca vezi singuratatea ca pe ceva binevenit, pe un prieten vechi caruia-i dai binete si-l inviti la o barfa cu restul gandurilor ce se invart mai incet decat oricand in cap la ora 3 noaptea.
Plangi, Israele, moartea zilei de azi! Tanguie-te si pune-ti cenusa-n cap.
Trage salvele 21 pentru ziua ce se naste.Atarna pestele deasupra usii caci e baiat.

Si nu sunt multe albume si/sau cantece care sa fie soundtrack pentru asemenea descumpaniri nocturne. Pentru mine sunt doua:
Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
An American Prayer - The Doors

Pentru repetat obsesiv la ore de-astea:
"You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon."
Brain Damage - Which one is Pink?

Cuplat cu:
"Gently they stir, gently rise
The dead are newborn awakening
With ravaged limbs and wet souls
Gently they sigh in rapt funeral amazement
Who called these dead to dance?
Was it the young woman learning to play the ghost song on her baby grand?
Was it the wilderness children?
Was it the ghost god himself, stuttering, cheering, chatting blindly?
I called you up to anoint the earth
I called you to announce sadness falling like burned skin
I called you to wish you well
To glory in self like a new monster
And now I call you to pray."
Pe care usa vrei sa intri? In biserica n-ai voie pe mijloc.
Nou-nascutii se trezesc, sufletele celor care au zburat de la noi fara sa ne anunte isi gasesc locul la ora asta.

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